Donate Today
How does Your monthly Donation Help?
$2 Provides a hot meal for someone in need
$10 Provides a life-saving prescription
$15 Provides a birth certificate to help get a ID card
$20 Provides String Back-pack full of supplies
$50 Provides a transportation for 1 month for a client to get to a new job
$160 Provides a Tent, Boots, Backpack, Sleeping bag, Gloves, Hat & a Scarf
$200 Provides a meal for 100 people in the Homeless community
There are several convenient ways to make your contribution
Donate Online - All that’s required is a credit card
Venmo - JCEXIT0
Cash App - JCEXIT0
Pay Pal - JCEXIT0
Mail your contribution to:
Jesus Cares at Exit 0 P.O. Box 1315 Jeffersonville, IN 47131-1315
Please make your check payable to Jesus Cares at Exit 0
If you have any questions, please Contact Us or call 502-541-2353
Your Donation of any amount will make a difference!
Thank You!